There are three prominent longitudinal ridges (carinae) along the dorsal sides. The head is depressed, broad and flattened, with a large terminal mouth that can measure up to 1.5 meters across, containing up to 300 …
An extremely large, unmistakeable shark with a short snout and very wide terminal mouth. Eyes small. Small, short barbells extend from nasal openings. Gills long. First dorsal origin approximately one dorsal length …
Ethology-Reproductive Biology. Rhincodon typus is an ovoviviparous species. That means that the embryos develop inside fecundated eggs protected by the maternal body and the newborns are expelled only …
We supplies over 4000 products of the highest quality of diamond CBN grinding wheels to more than 100 customers in over 30 countries around the world. And keeps developing. …
Sableuse is a nineteenth-century Parisian butter cake recipe that Jean-Georges has tinkered with. A light, airy yet rich cake, it's unusual not only in the proportions of ingredients but in the mixing method and the inclusion …
Trouvez facilement votre sableuse parmi les 175 références des plus grandes marques (elcometer, CLEMCO, RODCRAFT-KORB, ...) sur DirectIndustry, le spécialiste de …