River bifurcations are critical but poorly understood elements of many geomorphological systems. They are integral elements of alluvial fans, braided rivers, fluvial lowland …
WEBLe plus souvent, la prospection géochimique et la prospection alluvionnaire sont effectuées simultanément dans le réseau hydrographique, Elles conduisent à la mise en …
The study of sediment shows a difference in size and proportion of organic matter between the surface and the subsurface environment. The underground stations are …
Alluvial formations are characterized by a peculiar mechanical and mineralogical composition, gradation, bedding, thickness, landscape and climatic conditions of …
Les plaines alluviales ont généralement une surface topographiquement uniforme, elles accompagnent les rivières et peuvent être partiellement ou totalement …
Alluvial fans are mounds of coarse grained sediments formed when a confined stream disgorges into an unconfined area. They typically occur along the …
Alluvial and fluvial fans are the most widespread depositional landforms bordering the margins of long-lived highland regions and actively subsiding continental basins, across …
Photographs showing microtopographic surface characteristics of five fan surfaces identified in the study. The oldest alluvial fan (Qf1) unit has the smoothest …
Il présente un ensemble de recommandations techniques visant à : 1) limiter les impacts inhérents à la phase d'exploitation alluvionnaire (réduction du risque …